
Amazon Faces Backlash Over One Of Its Budget Cuts

Amazon, like many technology companies and a few retailers, has been cutting expenses as more-expensive money and cost-conscious consumers have hit the company's bottom line. As part of those efforts, Amazon closed all its bookstores and its 4-Star stores while it cut back on some new store openings. Companies, Amazon included, should be examining their spending when times are good, not just when they take a negative turn. Read More...


Return to pandemic hunger levels could signal economic fragility

More than half of the shelves at the Atlanta Community Food Bank are bare, in part because of supply-chain issues, but mostly because demand for food assistance is as high as it was during the COVID-19 pandemic, the nonprofit’s executives said. “Nobody anticipated this,” said Debra Shoaf, chief financial officer of the private charity, which relies on corporate and individual donations, as well as government grants, to distribute food to the hungry in 29 Georgia counties. Shoaf, who also serves on the finance steering committee for the national charity Feeding America, says she’s hearing similar reports across the United States.

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