
April Fool! We’re Not Buying the Rally in These 3 Growth Stocks

The market has pleased many investors recently, steadily building momentum over the past several months. Or is Wall Street playing a trick on investors' hearts? Will Healy (Nvidia): At first glance, a call against Nvidia may seem counterintuitive. Read More...


The Newest ‘Bubble’ Is in Money-Market Funds

People are rushing into money-market funds. Total assets held in money-market funds, which are investment vehicles that buy cash-like securities such as short-term Treasury bills, recently reached close to $5.5 trillion, according to RBC. Earlier this year, money-market fund assets stood at roughly $4.5 trillion, a level at which people stopped pouring more money into those funds a few times in the past few years, opting instead to buy other assets like stocks.

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