
Are Netflix, Disney+, and Streaming Saving Us Money Over Cable?

When Netflix and other streaming services started catching on with audiences at the start of the '10s, there was a lot of talk about cord-cutting, and the idea that we can finally be rid of the scourge of cable companies and pay a relatively small amount for our entertainment needs. After the cord-cutting fervor died down a bit, it became very apparent that if you were a sports or cable news junkie, or you wanted to check out what was on FX or Comedy Central, you still needed a package from your local cable provider. Read More...

When Netflix and other streaming services started catching on with audiences at the start of the ’10s, there was a lot of talk about cord-cutting, and the idea that we can finally be rid of the scourge of cable companies and pay a relatively small amount for our entertainment needs. After the cord-cutting fervor died down a bit, it became very apparent that if you were a sports or cable news junkie, or you wanted to check out what was on FX or Comedy Central, you still needed a package from your local cable provider.

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