
Facebook Shows Metaverse Is Losing Money (So Far)

Facebook's metaverse division lost more than $10 billion last year, but the company is sticking to its bet and will continue to invest in AR/VR projects. Read More...

Washington Post

With CRISPR gene editing, unique treatments begin to take off for rare diseases

Paddy Doherty remembers his father as a proud, hard-working family man who stayed physically fit for most of his life. A career in construction and various home improvement projects kept him active until his 60s, when Doherty first caught glimpses of a worrying decline in his dad’s health. “I noticed him getting breathless on walks. He’d stop for a while and maybe make an excuse for stopping, saying, ‘Oh, isn’t that a lovely tree’ or whatever,” said Doherty, who lives in Ireland. Doctors chalked

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