
Google Has a Mysterious Project That Raises Many Questions

While its rivals make raucous announcements about their investments in the metaverse, Google and its CEO Sundar Pichai have kept a low profile. The internet giant has discreetly and silently filed trademark related to a very mysterious project. Unfortunately for the crypto sphere reading the trademark application, the project has nothing to do with NFTs. Read More...


Turkey’s C/A deficit seen rising to 4% of GDP this year -Goldman

Turkey’s current account deficit is expected to rise to $32 billion or 4.0% of GDP this year, more than the 2.5% previously forecast, Goldman Sachs said, citing rising commodity prices due to the war in Ukraine and Ankara’s reluctance to raise rates. The trade balance – chronically negative in import-reliant Turkey – will get some relief from foreigners, including Russians buying real estate, the Wall Street bank said. But “these inflows will fall short of financing the growing current account deficit, and both (official foreign currency) reserves and the Turkish Lira will come under pressure,” it said.

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