
Home schooling is hard even for the best of us

Many parents have toyed, even fleetingly, with home schooling. The idea conjures up idyllic images of bright-eyed children and earnest parents clustered at the kitchen table, unravelling the mysteries of maths, science and languages free of the dogma and strictures of conventional education. Kitchen tables strewn with books and cereal bowls; frustrated parents trying to remember how to do improper fractions while taking part in a Google Hangout with work colleagues; fights over laptops as children insist they need to log on to online lessons — such scenes will have been repeated in households across the world. Read More...

Many parents have toyed, even fleetingly, with home schooling. The idea conjures up idyllic images of bright-eyed children and earnest parents clustered at the kitchen table, unravelling the mysteries of maths, science and languages free of the dogma and strictures of conventional education. Kitchen tables strewn with books and cereal bowls; frustrated parents trying to remember how to do improper fractions while taking part in a Google Hangout with work colleagues; fights over laptops as children insist they need to log on to online lessons — such scenes will have been repeated in households across the world.

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