
Is Starboard’s $9B Offer a Fair Valuation of Kohl’s?

In this clip from "Wheeling & Dealing" on Motley Fool Live, recorded on Feb. 4, Motley Fool contributor Toby Bordelon talks about the recent news that Kohl's (NYSE: KSS) has interested potential acquirers and discusses why the retailer might not be too keen on the valuation. Toby Bordelon: So, Kohl's. You may have heard the news. Apparently, people want to buy Kohl's. You can imagine how it might be attractive to private equity. Read More...

Motley Fool

Intel Stock Crashed Today — Is It a Buy?

Since crashing hard after earnings last month, Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) spent much of the last three weeks clawing its way back higher — and even approached its pre-earnings share price last week. All that hard work was undone in a day, however — today, to be precise — when Intel unveiled its “2022 and long-term growth strategy” last night. In its presentation, Intel described how, over the long term, it intends to rebuild its business, first reaccelerating sales growth into the “mid-to-high-single digits” range in 2023 and 2024, then stepping even harder on the gas pedal, and racing ahead to 10% to 12% annual revenue growth by 2026.

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