This is NOT going over well with the MAGA bunch:
‘[Pompeo] also knows deep within his heart that Donald Trump couldn’t find Ukraine on a map if you had the letter ‘U’ and a picture of an actual physical crane next to it. He knows that this is, you know, an administration defined by ignorance of the world. And so that’s partly him playing to the base and playing to their audience. You know, the credulous boomer rube demo that backs Donald Trump.’
That’s ex-GOP strategist Rick Wilson unloading on Trump supporters alongside CNN’s Don Lemon and New York Times columnist Wajahat Ali over the weekend.
“Donald Trump is the smart one and y’all elitists are dumb!” Wilson continued in a thick fake drawl, as Lemon nearly fell off his chair laughing.
Ali couldn’t resist joining in the fun. “You elitists with your geography and your maps and your spelling!” he said.
Wilson was referring to the recent dust-up between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly in which Pompeo, after a tense interview, demanded Kelly find Ukraine on a map — she apparently did without hesitation.
Watch the full segment:
The clip has completely gone viral, racking up millions of views since it first aired over the weekend. Former CNN digital producer Steve Krakauer captured the prevailing sentiment of conservatives feeling ridiculed by the panel.
“The arrogance, the dismissiveness, the smug cackling, the accents,” he tweeted. “If Trump wins re-election this year, I’ll remember this brief CNN segment late one Saturday night in January as the perfect encapsulation for why it happened.”
Of course, Krakauer was just one of many:
Even Ivanka Trump chimed in with this tweet, which immediately made “real elites” a trending topic on Twitter TWTR, +2.24% :
As the backlash continued to gain momentum, the president chimed in with a familiar refrain about CNN and Don Lemon:
After that tweet, Ali said he won’t be bullied:
Needless to say, not everybody had a problem with Ali:
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