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Key Words: New ad claims Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez want to punish success

The richest among us have been getting smacked around by the likes of presidential hopefuls Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders during this contentious run-up to the 2020 election, and the Employment Policies Institute, has had enough. Read More...

Spare a thought for the billionaires? The very richest among us have been getting smacked around by the likes of presidential hopefuls Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders during this contentious run-up to the 2020 election, and the Employment Policies Institute, a Washington-based conservative think tank, has had enough:

‘The wealthy Americans they attack created world-changing technologies, entertainment empires, millions of middle-class jobs and funded countless charitable endeavors. The American dream shouldn’t punish success.’

That’s just a snippet from a new ad airing Monday that defends billionaires with flashing images of Berkshire Hathaway’s BRK.A, +0.41% Warren Buffett, Facebook FB, +0.49% CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Amazon AMZN, +1.61% founder Jeff Bezos, among others.

The message seems to be in direct response to the “Elizabeth Warren Stands Up to Billionaires” ad from a week ago that took aim at Leon Cooperman, Lloyd Blankfein, Joe Ricketts and Peter Thiel.

Warren’s proposal would levy a 2% tax on individuals worth more than $50 million and a 6% tax on those worth more than $1 billion. Bernie Sanders’s plan would be even more costly for billionaires.

Watch the full ad from the conservative group:

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