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Key Words: President Trump after hearing of Mitt Romney’s isolation due to coronavirus exposure: ‘Gee, that’s too bad’

Utah Senator Mitt Romney announced on Sunday that he would self-quarantine after fellow Senator Rand Paul announced he had tested positive for COVID-19. Trump couldn’t help himself. Read More...

Utah Senator Mitt Romney announced on Sunday that he would self-quarantine after fellow Senator Rand Paul announced he had tested positive for COVID-19.

What does President Trump think of that?

‘Gee, that’s too bad.’

When asked by a reporter at the White House briefing Sunday if he was being sarcastic, the president denied it. Watch the full exchange and judge for yourself:

Needless to say, the two have history. Romney was the only Senate Republican to break from the party and vote to convict Trump on abuse of power after the Senate impeachment trial.

Read: President activates National Guard in California, New York, Washington

Romney began trending after Trump’s comments as the criticism piled up:

Of course, Trump had his supporters, as well:

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