
Netflix pursues Oscar gold as film prize incentives shift

Streaming company spends to promote Academy Award contenders seeking returns other than box office bounce Read More...

Motley Fool

Why Southwestern Energy, Tellurian, and NextDecade Were Rocketing Higher Today

Shares of natural gas-focused companies Southwestern Energy (NYSE: SWN), Tellurian (NASDAQ: TELL), and NextDecade (NASDAQ: NEXT) were all screaming higher on Friday, up 14.7%, 19.3%, and 32%, respectively, as of 3:47 p.m. ET. All three companies are involved in the liquified natural gas space, and President Joe Biden and European leaders announced a new natural gas deal on Friday to help ween Europe off of Russian supplies. On Friday, Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a deal in principle to help Europe diversify its supplies of natural gas, which is primarily used for electricity and heating.

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