Doug Ramsey, the chief investment officer of The Leuthold Group, warned clients in a note that the day is coming when the dire state of the economy catches up with equity investors. See full story.
California assemblywoman hits Elon Musk with an F-bomb after he says he will move Tesla’s HQ out of state
Lorena Gonzalez, tell us how you really feel about the Tesla boss. See full story.
‘Absolute chaotic disaster’ — Barack Obama blasts President Trump over coronavirus response
In rare rebuke, Obama criticizes the president’s coronavirus response. See full story.
The U.S. economy may be in for a ‘square root’–shaped recovery — and you won’t like it any more than algebra class
A small dead-cat bounce and then lower for longer is what a “square root” implies. See full story.
Fed’s Kashkari throws cold water on White House optimism about a ‘snapback’ economic recovery
Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari on Sunday said White House expectations of a strong second-half rebound in the economy was less likely than a slow, more gradual, recovery. See full story.
‘I have a very low income, and yet I did not receive a $1,200 stimulus check. My daughter recently moved out of town, but claimed me as a dependent on her 2019 tax form.’ See full story.