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NewsWatch: When the ‘herds get spooked,’ this is what a stock market crash could look like

Every time the market seems to be caught in a death spiral lately, buyers step up to nab the discounts. That buy-the-dip mentality has, again, been bolstered by the idea that the Federal Reserve is ready to step in with an interest rate cut. But that could ultimately be the undoing of this fragile bull market, says one blogger. Read More...

Every time the market seems to be caught in a death spiral lately, buyers step up to nab the discounts. That buy-the-dip mentality has, again, been bolstered by the idea that the Federal Reserve is ready to step in with an interest rate cut. But that could ultimately be the undoing of this fragile bull market, says one blogger. See full story.

Home flipping rate hits 9-year high — and that could foretell troubles in the housing market

An uptick in home flipping activity could indicate that conditions in the housing market are worsening. See full story.

Chao created a special path for McConnell’s favored projects | House Democrats to escalate battle over Mueller report

Politico reports the Transportation Department under Secretary Elaine Chao designated a special liaison to help with grant applications and other priorities from her husband Mitch McConnell’s state of Kentucky, which paved the way for grants totaling at least $78 million for favored projects as McConnell prepared to campaign for reelection. See full story.

The next time the economy tanks, the Fed should give people, not banks, free money

The Federal Reserve is reviewing its strategies and tools. See full story.

Brexit Brief: Mudslinging begins as PM race formally kicks off

The race to become the U.K.’s next prime minister formally got under way on Monday, with the first casualties potentially dropping out as soon as this evening, after a weekend dominated by controversy over one leading contender’s past drug use. See full story.


The Democratic presidential candidate was asked how his plan compares to Warren’s on CNN. See full story.

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