Nvidia stock was having another tough trading session on Tuesday after investors spent the long weekend considering the chipmaker’s underwhelming profit guidance. The Magnificent Seven stock tumbled 7.6%, which put it on pace for its largest percentage decrease since April 19, 2024, according to Dow Jones Market Data. Other chip makers also dropped: Advanced Micro Devices slid 4.6%, Qualcomm fell 4.6%, and Broadcom was down 4.7%. Read More...
Nvidia stock was having another tough trading session on Tuesday after investors spent the long weekend considering the chipmaker’s underwhelming profit guidance. The Magnificent Seven stock tumbled 7.6%, which put it on pace for its largest percentage decrease since April 19, 2024, according to Dow Jones Market Data. Other chip makers also dropped: Advanced Micro Devices slid 4.6%, Qualcomm fell 4.6%, and Broadcom was down 4.7%.