
OpenAI, WSJ Owner News Corp Strike Content Deal Valued at Over $250 Million

The content-licensing pact aims to cash in on a technology that promises to have a profound impact on the news-publishing industry. Read More...

WSJ Future of Everything Festival Features Ray Dalio, Lina Khan and Elmo

Cancer research, children’s mental health, the benefits and risks of AI, and a Jurassic Park-style experiment with the woolly mammoth were among the topics discussed during The Wall Street Journal’s two-day Future of Everything Festival. Innovators, executives and policymakers including Alphabet X’s Astro Teller, Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young, Bumble founder Whitney Wolfe Herd, Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins, Bayer CEO Bill Anderson, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and Whole Foods founder John Mackey gathered to talk about the future of the workplace, entertainment, dating and more. Paris Hilton, Awkwafina, Ilana Glazer and Uma Thurman also took to the stage to discuss issues ranging from the impact of AI on artists to the future of families.

The Wall Street Journal

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