
Should You Really Buy Stocks Right Now? Here’s What Warren Buffett Says.

For advice, it's always a good idea to turn to one of the world's favorite investors, Warren Buffett. Buffett has been through his share of market downturns and crashes, yet still has delivered excellent returns. The idea is the market eventually will recognize the quality company's value -- and the stock should rise. Read More...


Investor Mark Suster says a “handful” of bad actors in VC destroyed Silicon Valley Bank

Yesterday at around noon in Los Angeles, investor Mark Suster of the venture firm Upfront Ventures began urging “calm” on Twitter. Silicon Valley Bank had bungled its messaging on Wednesday around an effort to strengthen its balance sheet, and startup founders were beginning to fear that their deposits at the tech-friendly, 40-year-old institution were at risk. “More in the VC community need to speak out publicly to quell the panic about @SVB_Financial,” wrote Suster, saying he believed in the bank’s health and arguing that the biggest risk to startups, the VCs to whom the bank has long catered, and to SVB itself would be “mass panic.”

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