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Yahoo Entertainment

Sean Penn tells Sean Hannity ‘There are a lot of reasons I don’t trust you’

Two-time Academy Award-winner Sean Penn joined Hannity on Tuesday to speak about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Penn was in Ukraine filming a documentary the day the country was invaded, and has since been back and seen the devastation firsthand. Sean Hannity began what turned out to be a lengthy, civil conversation, despite political differences between the two, by recalling their first conversation. Hannity called Penn to invite him on the show to discuss Ukraine but did not originally get the response he may have expected. According to both Penn and Hannity, the first thing Penn did was tell Hannity that he doesn’t trust him. “Is there a reason you didn’t trust me?” Hannity asked while laughing. “Yeah,” Penn replied, “There’s a lot of reasons I don’t trust you.” Hannity had a hard time letting that go, and the issue of trust would come up again. But Penn said he didn’t get hung up on his lack of trust for Hannity because what’s happening in Ukraine is too important. “I don’t think that I’ve got time to indulge my lack of trust, which becomes a petty thing as people, and babies, are being vaporized,” Penn said. “And that these people are fighting for the very dreams that are the aspirations of all of us Americans. We talked about that, too, and we agreed on that.” Penn spoke about first meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last fall, months before the invasion when Hannity once again broached the issue of trust. “It’s interesting,” Penn said. “We had met initially on a Zoom call back…” “Did you trust him?” Hannity cut in, “A lot more than me.” Penn explained that that baggage goes back a long time to when Hannity called him an “enemy of the state” in 2007. Hannity gave it one more shot at the end of the interview, asking why Penn still didn’t trust him. So Penn used an analogy to sum up their situation. “You know what happens is that there’s a lot of physical therapy necessary after a big car accident,” Penn said. “You don’t get it all done in a day.”

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