Solid earnings from three of Silicon Valley's biggest players on Wednesday. After the bell, Tesla, Microsoft and Facebook all beating Wall Street expectations. First up, Tesla. The carmaker took investors by surprise, posting its second-straight quarterly profit after delivering a record amount of vehicles. Shares rose after its earnings release, hitting an all time high and cracking the $600 mark for the first time. Meanwhile, Microsoft beat on revenue, driven by strength in its cloud computing platform Azure. The company's intelligent cloud segment, which include Azure, rose 27% to nearly $12 billion. And while Facebook beat Wall Street expectations on revenue, profit and daily active users, its stock fell in after-hours trading - after reporting higher-than-expected costs and expenses. Read More...
Solid earnings from three of Silicon Valley’s biggest players on Wednesday.
After the bell, Tesla, Microsoft and Facebook all beating Wall Street expectations.
First up, Tesla.
The carmaker took investors by surprise, posting its second-straight quarterly profit after delivering a record amount of vehicles.
Shares rose after its earnings release, hitting an all time high and cracking the $600 mark for the first time.
Meanwhile, Microsoft beat on revenue, driven by strength in its cloud computing platform Azure.
The company’s intelligent cloud segment, which include Azure, rose 27% to nearly $12 billion.
And while Facebook beat Wall Street expectations on revenue, profit and daily active users, its stock fell in after-hours trading – after reporting higher-than-expected costs and expenses.
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