
The Former Amazon Intern Now Running Its Profit Engine

In the summer of 2005, while at Northwestern University to get his master’s in business, Matt Garman interned at Amazon While the rest of his cohort marveled at the company’s ambitions in selling books and music, Garman was struck by a presentation about a new division that hadn’t launched, had great potential and required strong technical skills. “I knew immediately: that was the one I wanted to work on,” Garman wrote in a company blog post recounting this story this month. The division was Amazon Web Services. Read More...

In the summer of 2005, while at Northwestern University to get his master’s in business, Matt Garman interned at Amazon While the rest of his cohort marveled at the company’s ambitions in selling books and music, Garman was struck by a presentation about a new division that hadn’t launched, had great potential and required strong technical skills. “I knew immediately: that was the one I wanted to work on,” Garman wrote in a company blog post recounting this story this month. The division was Amazon Web Services.

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