
The ‘great rotation’ faces its biggest test yet: earnings from Microsoft, Meta, Apple and Amazon

In his weekly column, Jim Cramer writes that the 'great rotation' faces its biggest test yet with earnings from Microsoft, Meta, Apple and Amazon. Read more...

Sebastien Bozon | AFP | Getty Images

When I was a cub reporter in Los Angeles, covering crime for the now-deceased Los Angeles Herald Examiner, we used to joke that we should never let the facts get in the way of a good story. It was a horrendous paper — don’t ask me what I was doing there other than booking a paycheck. My late editor, Don Forst, used to tell me that if I wanted truth, I should be novelist. But I was in newspapers, which meant I did whatever was necessary to sell papers, fighting every minute to try to find a way to tell the truth in the face of a phalanx of editors who knew how to sensationalize no matter what the story.

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